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On Improving High School English Learners’ Reading Comprehension Skills from the Perspective of NMET

来源:教育教学 作者: 张伟丽


    山东省滨州行知中学   张伟丽
    摘要:通过英语进行阅读,既是英语教学的目的也是手段。我国《英语新课程标准》和《英语高考大纲》都对高中生的英语阅读能力提出了明确的要求。从近年山东英语高考的情况来看,在改用全国卷后,对英语阅读理解能力的考察,无论是量还是质,都未放松。如何使高中生英语阅读水平达到 《新课程标准》及《高考大纲》的要求是值得思考的问题。
    On Improving High School English Learners’ Reading Comprehension Skills from the Perspective of NMET
    1 Introduction
    Under the background of exam-oriented education, the high school English takes College Entrance Examination as its measurement criteria, which requires teachers and students pay great attention to the effect the College Entrance Examination has on high school English. Since the reform in 2014, candidates in Shandong no longer use the Shandong version English test paper; they take the national version instead.
    2 English reading requirements for high school students
    The education in China is led by guiding principles. Every exam in senior high school is set by the general outline, including reading. The Outline for the English Teaching in Full-time Senior High Schools requires that to lay particular emphasis on cultivating reading abilities and to make students equipped the competence of self-study, which drives the teachers to pay more attention to reading.
    3 Reading Comprehension questions and skills in NMET
    In 2014, a reform took place in Shandong College Entrance Examination, after which Shandong examinees use national version 1 test paper instead of Shandong version. In national version 1, Reading Comprehension marks 40 points which takes the largest part in the total points of 150.
    4 Suggestions to High School English Reading Learning
    Although there are requirements made by New Curriculum Standard and the General outline of College Entrance Examination and the teachers in senior high pay a lot attention to reading, the situation of English reading Comprehension is still far from satisfaction. Some students learn without a good attitude, which means that they deal with the reading tasks perfunctorily and regards the reading class as a story class; other students learn with bad habits, such as reading the whole passage word by word , backward reading, and looking up the dictionary while reading.   
    5 Conclusion
    The abilities of reading comprehension are on the basis of the General Outline, New Curriculum Standard and the test questions and there are four kinds of abilities: competence of catching details, competence of inferring and judging, competence of summarizing the main idea and competence of speculating words’ meaning. This essay is based on the analysis of the test papers, and shows the method of how to solve different types of questions and then the competence of reading will be improved. However, the cultivation of reading competence is more than just acquiring four methods because we can not learn just for tests. What we also need to do is to form    